What's on

Mothering Sunday 

  • Sunday 30th March 10.30am. A Family service to celebrate Mothering Sunday led by Nick Wells

Holy Week and Easter 

Join us we remember the events of Holy Week and celebrate Easter

  • 13th April. Palm Sunday. Morning service 10.30am led by John Livingston. Theme: A house of prayer
  • 18th April. Good Friday. Communion service 10.30am led by Richard Wallace. Theme: Not my will
  • 18th April. Good Friday Churches Together in Datchet procession from the church to the village green. Starts 11.30am
  • 20th April. Easter Sunday. Cafe family service, croissants coffee, tea and soft drinks from 10.15am, followed by a famliy service led by Richard Wallace. Theme: The Living Bread.

Wellbeing Wednesday

We meet monthly for some warm food, friendship and exploring together ways  to promote personal and community wellbeing. Our next 'Wellbeing Wednesday' is on Wednesday 30th April. No charge (voluntary contribution to material costs welcome, but not expected). If you think you might like to come please complete our Contact us! form..

Sunday services

We hold services at the church each Sunday morning at 10.30am and our monthly Sunday evening reflections at 6.30pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month and at other times as announced.

For more information about our services click here

For details of upcoming family services click here.

Other activities

For information about other activities please look on the appropriate page, or example 'Messy Church' or 'Prayer and Bible study', or the Calendar.

Coronavirus and other respiratory infections

Please click here for information.

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