Wellbeing Wednesday
'Wellbeing Wednesday' started on Wednesday 29th January from 12.00pm until 2.00pm at Datchet Baptist Church. We plan to meet monthly for some warm food, friendship and exploring together ways to promote personal and community wellbeing. Our next 'Wellbeing Wednesday' is on Wednesday 26th February. No charge (voluntary contribution to material costs welcome, but not expected). If you think you might like to come please complete our .Contact us! form.
World Day of Prayer
This year's World Day of Prayer will be on Friday March 7th 2.00pm. Join us at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church in Eton Road Datchet. The service has been prepared by Christian Women in the Cook Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The theme for the service is ‘I made you Wonderful’.
Pancake Family service
Join us for a cafe service to celebrate the start of Lent on Sunday 9th March. Pancakes and refreshments from 10.15am followed by an all-age service, launching our Lent series called 'Teach us to pray', which explains the Lord's prayer.
For details of other family services click here.
Sunday services
We hold services at the church each Sunday morning at 10.30am and at other times as announced.
For more information about our services click here.
For details of upcoming family services click here.
Other activities
For information about other activities please look on the appropriate page, or example 'Messy Church' or 'Prayer and Bible study', or the Calendar.
Coronavirus and other respiratory infections
Please click here for information.